Two Shuffles, One Ballad, and a Kick in the Teeth


This EP is comprised of two new songs and two old ones. The shuffles, numbers 1 and 4, are old Todd Brunner tunes re-recorded here and given the Cyanide Slugs treatment.

Number 1 was written in the 90s and the original version appears on Todd’s album, The Eastbourne Supremacy, under the title “Bloody Bob (Horny Version)”.

Number 4 is also the fourth version of “The Human Mind”. The second version appears on Todd’s first-ever album, Post Permanent Ear Damage and was recorded circa 1985. The other two versions are as yet unreleased, but the third version from the late 90s inspired our arrangement here.

Sandwiched deliciously between the shuffles are the two new songs which we hope you will enjoy.

This short record should be enjoyed at a volume your phone will tell you is dangerous to your hearing.

Purchase the high quality version at Bandcamp
